Motivation When Depressed

How to Find Motivation When Depressed: 7 Strategies and Tips

Motivation and depression are linked to each other. Let me explain how: low motivation can lead to depression, as you have no idea what to do; likewise, when you are depressed, you’ll feel unmotivated to move forward. Finding motivation when depressed can be tough but we will disscuss in this article

Sometimes depression can be a medical case, such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), leads to inattention in daily actions and low motivation.

What Causes A Lack Of Motivation?

Lack of motivation can be a serious problem, but it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Lack of motivation can be caused by various reasons. Everyone has this one moment where they find themselves lost and unmotivated to do anything. You feel like every day is the same; the same boring routine: waking up, going to school or work, and going back to sleep. The following points may be the reason for your lack of motivation

  1. You might be burned out

    Generally, people who constantly face suffering in their job or school feel extremely exhausted. Continuously working and doing the same thing every day can be overwhelming for you.

  1. You don’t know what you want

    Uncertain goals in your life can lead to low motivation. When you don’t know what you want in your life, there is no direction or a lead to work on to make it successful.

  1. You lack confidence in yourself

    When you doubt your abilities, you’ll find it difficult to complete a task, as you keep feeling it might be wrong. It can be difficult to find a sense of motivation to start your work.

  1. Taking over stressing

    When you constantly seek perfection, or allow no mistakes to be done by you, then you are inviting stress with open arms. This can lead to low motivation, as you’re afraid of making mistakes.

  1. You don’t know your reason

    When you lack a real reason why you want to do something, you’ll find no motivation to move

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Symptoms Of Depression

Low motivation when depressed may mean that you face the below-mentioned depression symptoms:

  • You feel exhausted or tired.
  • You cry more than you usually do.
  • You’ll be annoyed at small things.
  • You feel anxious and twitchy easily.
  • You’ll be unable to focus on things.
  • You don’t feel like dressing up, which you enjoy doing.
  • You want to be alone every time, far from crowds.
  • You’ll be uninterested in the activities that you usually like.

We Hope you find these depression symptoms helpful in naming the condition you are experiencing.

How To Get Motivation When Depressed?

When you are feeling low or depressed, you’ll feel like shutting everything and everyone out of your life. You don’t want to do anything; even eating seems to be a huge task. Follow these ways, and you might find a way to overcome your depression or sadness.

  1. Make a schedule for your daily activities 

    Set up a chart mentioning your daily routine and timing. Doing a particular thing at a particular time can become a habit after some time, then you’ll find yourself doing those activities involuntarily.

  2. Share your feelings

    Talking to someone about your feelings can get rid of a little depression or sadness. It may not be completely fine, but you’ll feel better.

  3. Consider a walk

    Spending some time with nature can help with your mental health, such as depression and anxiety. Being in lush places has been proven to improve your depression and concentration.

7 Strategies For Motivation When You’re Depressed

It’s important to find a way to come of out your situation. If you’re here, appreciate yourself for at least trying. Know that it’s normal to give up halfway when you are implementing these strategies:

  1. Set small goals

    You may feel burdened to work on serious things when you’re depressed. So, start with small goals instead of bigger ones, like arranging your bed cleanly, helping your parents in your home, or organizing your desk. This will make you feel accomplished.

  2. Get out of bed

    The first and most important thing you need to do is get out of bed. It can be the biggest task to complete when you are feeling extreme sadness, or depression but it is great starting point. Only by coming out of your own world can you be motivated.

  3. Exercise

    Simple exercise will help in making your mood better. According to the endorphin hypothesis, exercising helps release β-endorphin. Endorphins are linked to a healthier mood and improve overall well-being.

  4. Immerse in Nature

    Nature helps to lighten your mood and reduce anxiety. Exercising outdoors can produce better results than doing so indoors. Fresh air in nature can clear your mind and lessen your mental depression. Here are some activities to immerse yourself in nature:

    • Go for a ride on your bicycle.
    • Picnic with your family or friends.
    • Read your preferred book under a tree.
    • Garden or plant a vegetable in your yard.
    • Meet your friends and go for a walk daily or weekly.
  1. Avoid negativity

    keeping yourself free from negative energy can help overcome depression. Negativeness may be surrounding you in many ways:

    • Your thoughts: Try to focus on the good when you face a problem. Magnifying your problems can increase your depression.
    • Your environment: when you are depressed, try to be around people who are optimistic in nature. Surrounding yourself with negative people, who aren’t supportive and vent their negative emotions, cannot make you feel better.
  1. Stick to a routine

    set up a plan and list out the things you daily need to do. Add timing to it so that it becomes a routine. Doing the same activity at the same time daily can become a habit, and that leads to spontaneous action after some time. Stick consistently to the plan, and you’ll find a way to overcome depression.

  2. Improve gut health

    ‘Microbiota in our gut’, also known as the “second brain”, may influence our mood. Unlike inherited genes, the microbiota can be cultivated or reshaped. So, the gut microbiota may influence the growth of brain regions that are responsible for our response to stress-related conditions such as depression and anxiety. The gut’s health can be improved by:

    • Drinking lots of water
    • Eating foods high in fiber
    • Avoiding smoking and alcohol
    • Limiting processed foods
    • Consuming foods rich in polyphenols
    • Cardiovascular exercises like cycling and walking
    • Sleeping enough


Depression is an issue that should be addressed properly. If you’re not getting any better, consulting medical help would be ideal for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How Do I Know If I Have Depression?

    You may get annoyed and twitchy easily. You lose interest in the activities, that you usually enjoy.

  2. How To Control Depression?

    Talk to someone who is supportive, spend some time in nature, and do exercises.

  3. How Can I Help Someone With Depression?

    Being supportive and listening to their feelings can be helpful. Offer any help if needed.

  4. How To Talk To People With Depression?

    Be encouraging and patient with them. Ask if they need any help from you.

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