
How to Be Patient: 21 Practical Tips for a Happier Life

In this busy and bustling world, there are different types of people we have to deal with. And that needs patience, which is currently lacking in today’s society. Due to their busy schedules and hurrying lives, they get impatient at the slightest mistake. This article would help in learning how to be patient and get less frustrated.

How To Be More Patient?

To be more patient, it takes time and effort. Being patient itself is a big task, but being more patient or improving patience is an uphill task.

DON’T YOU WORRY! You just need to allot some of your dedication to improving your patience level.

Practicing mindfulness and showing empathy to others would be great ways to develop patience more.

How To Be Patient With Yourself?

We often scold ourselves for making a mistake. This happens because we don’t accept imperfections in ourselves and have high expectations for ourselves.

You might be merciless to others, but you SHOULD BE merciful to yourself. You are living in this world for yourself, and you deserve to be happy. Forgive yourself if you ever make a mistake and move forward to rectify the fault. Take proper rest and eat healthy food to lead a healthy lifestyle. Only then can you have the energy to deal with things patiently. Tell yourself that “it’s okay to make mistakes” and “I can do it again if I fail once until I succeed”.

Characteristics Of Patient People

Getting a hold of the characteristics of patient and impatient people would be helpful if you want to improve your patience levels.

Patient People Impatient People
Controls emotions even when they are in peculiar situations. Lose control over their emotions when frustrated easily.
They have better endurance for waiting. They get irritated to wait.
Have good persistence They are impulsive
They understand others feeling. They have difficulty understanding what others feel.
They are good listeners. They might get annoyed by listening to your views.

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Benefits of Being More Patient With Yourself

Being more patient with yourself offers various benefits for maintaining your well-being. Here are some benefits listed:

  • You’ll feel less stressed and anxiety
  • You’re less likely to give up when faced with setbacks
  • You’ll have greater resilience
  • Improves your relationship with others
  • Improves your personal growth
  • Motivation in yourself takes a leap
  • Self-control improves
  • Improves your physical health
  • You’ll be happier doing anything
  • You’ll make better decisions
  • You’ll focus more on present

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21 Tips For Being More Patient

Here are some tips, or you may consider them as your solutions to how to be patient:

  1. Practice Deep Breathing:

    Deep breaths activate your “rest and digest” system. This system fights your triggered emotions, makes your mind free from frustration, and induces a calming effect on your heart as well as your mind.

  2. Engage In Regular Meditation:

    Meditation works similarly to deep breathing. It activates your parasympathetic nervous system. This system reduces your heart rate and blood pressure and promotes relaxation.

  3. Set Realistic Goals:

    When you have high expectations for yourself, you are bound to fail to meet them one or the other time. So set realistic and senseful goals.

  4. Accept Imperfections:

    Know that everybody is not faultless and accept that you make mistakes sometimes. Accepting your imperfections has a positive effect on your mind and relieves pressure.

  5. Focus On The Present:

    When you’re more focused on the present moment, you can connect with people better and empathize with their situations. Then you’ll feel more patient while dealing with others.

  6. Practice Gratitude:

    Impatience is what you feel when things don’t go your way. Instead of dwelling on the past and the things you lost, be grateful for what you have. Being content leads to more patience.

  7. Engage In Patience-building Activities:

    Challenge yourself with puzzles, logic games, or crosswords. These games require lots of patience and attention. And learning something new also requires more patience and dedication, so try to learn a new skill.

  8. Improve Self-control:

    Challenge yourself to resist temptations to improve self-control. Practicing self-control can help keep your emotions in check.

  9. Empathize With Others:

    Putting yourself in someone’s shoes can connect you with others deeply. You’ll understand what they are feeling. It makes you more patient when dealing with them.

  10. Accept Delays And Obstacles:

    Practice waiting for what you are trying to achieve and acknowledge your mistakes. Know that the obstacles are steppingstones to success. Be kind to yourself.

  11. Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle:

    A Healthy lifestyle means maintaining healthy mental and physical health. When you’re healthy, you’ll have lower anxiety and stress levels. This leads you to handle things less impulsively.

  12. Use Positive Affirmations:

    Using positive affirmative statements can cultivate patience in you. For example, choose “I am patient” instead of “I will be patient”. Focus on the present.

  13. Slow Down Your Routine:

    Hastening things can lead to mistakes or missing something, making you grow impatient. So, slow things down. Take your time to complete it effectively. This leads to improving your mood, as you will make fewer mistakes.

  14. Avoid Multitasking:

    Multitasking means dividing your focus on multiple things. This leads to making mistakes and deteriorating the quality of your work. Give your attention to one task at a time. It will allow you to complete your work more efficiently.

  15. Learn To Let Go:

    It doesn’t mean forgetting memories. It involves releasing attachment to things, people, or situations. It’s about acknowledging it and not letting it stop you. Letting go is a liberating step.

  16. Set Time Aside For Reflection:

    It is a vital step in personal growth. Reflect on ‘why it happened?’ and ‘what caused it to happen?’ This will lead you to find a solution and make things right.

  17. Seek Support From Others:

    Remember to ask for help if it’s too much for you to handle. Asking for help is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is a sign of strength and can be very beneficial in developing patience.

  18. Practice Patience In Small Things:

    When you’re waiting in line to settle your bill or stuck in traffic, practice patience instead of feeling frustrated. Say to yourself that “I will wait patiently”.

  19. Develop A Routine:

    Developing a routine will limit the number of decisions you may need to make in a day. And you will know what you will do throughout the day. It will make you less likely to be frustrated as you expect things to happen.

  20. Read Books On Patience:

    Reading a book requires dedication and patience. Choosing to read books on patience is also a way to develop patience.


“The Power of Patience: How This Old-Fashioned Virtue Can Improve Your Life” by M. J. Ryan empathizes with the importance of patience in our current society.

  1. Engage In Physical Relaxation Techniques:

    Working on tensing and relaxing muscles is a form of muscle relaxation technique. This technique should be incorporated into your whole body. Stretching is also a physical relaxation technique that helps release tension. This develops patience.


Patience is the main factor in wanting to do anything. You need patience to learn a new skill. You need patience to maintain a healthy relationship.

And you need patience to read this whole article. If you have reached the end of the article, pat yourself on the back for completing it.

Frequently  Asked Questions

Why am I impatient?

There are many reasons to feel impatient. For example, when reality is mismatched with your expectations, you tend to feel very frustrated and impatient.

How Do I Develop More Patience?

To develop more patience, learn to embrace your discomfort and practice mindfulness. These are key to maintaining stability and patience.

How Do I Stop Being So Impatient?

Take a deep breath to calm your nerves. Identify what triggers you to feel impatient and take actions to manage it.

How Do You Practice Patience Every Day?

Take some time out of your busy schedule each day to practice mindfulness, like deep breathing exercises and meditation.

How Do You Train Yourself To Be More Patient?

Adjust your expectations. When you manage your expectations, you’ll likely feel less frustrated when it happens, as you might already have expected it to happen that way.

How to Be Patient At Work?

Reframe your perspective and view your failures or setbacks as a lesson to learn and grow. Enjoy what you’re doing instead of just trying to complete it.

How to Be Patient With Kids?

Remember that kids are still small and are still trying to navigate the world and think from their point of view. If you are on the edge of busting out, step away and take a moment to collect yourself.

How Do You Become More Patient With Others?

When dealing with others, empathy is what keeps you patient and makes you feel their feelings. Try to walk a mile in someone’s shoes. Then you’ll know how to deal with others.

What Causes Lack Of Patience?

When your prospects and reality mismatch, it triggers your emotions, and you’ll feel frustrated and very impatient.

How To Become More Patient And Less Angry?

To become more patient and less angry, try to practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing exercises and meditation to calm your mind.

How To Be Patient In A Relationship?

Put yourself in your partner’s shoes. Try to understand what they are feeling and acknowledge their emotions to maintain a healthy relationship.

How To Be Patient With Life?

Life will never be as we expect, so try to accept things as they are and move forward. Remember that you have time to make things right if you ever suffer a setback.

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