
How to Overcome Failure: Strategies for Turning Setbacks into Success

Failure is a necessary part of life. It can come in various forms: not obtaining the academic results you hoped for, being unsuccessful in a job application, having an unsuccessful relationship, or a general setback. Only when we face problems can we learn from our mistakes and move forward. We would be discussing how to overcome failure and  ways to overcome failure in your life.

How To Overcome Failure?

Being realistic is very important to leading a successful life. Life is never easy. It hits in the face in the form of setbacks. You need to know that failure is not the end of your life; it is just a part of it. Don’t compare yourself with others and put more pressure on yourself. Accepting your mistakes doesn’t make you weaker; if you do, it’ll only make you stronger. You need to treat failure as your friend, as it makes you a better person.

First, accept your failure, acknowledge your disappointment, and take your time to recover, but don’t live in the past. You need to know that overcoming failure is also considered successful. It means we know how to accept mistakes and take the next step. Second, forgive yourself and find your reasons why you want to be successful. It will give you motivation to overcome failure. Third, never give up easily.


“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” _ J. K. Rowling.


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7 Ways To Overcome Failure

1. Accept why you failed: 

What caused you to fail” is the first question that should come to your mind. “What do you need to do to prevent it from happening?” is the next thought that should come to your mind. You need to do some brainstorming and list out the reasons why it happened. Failure can happen in different conditions. It might work in a relationship or in life. Sometimes successful people might fail in their relationships, or they might have a healthy relationship but a problematic professional life.

2. Vent your feelings:

Building up your emotions or feelings in yourself is not acceptable. Rather than holding up the fort by yourself, learn to ask for help from others. Failure does not mean your life is going to be over. Stop escaping from your feelings; it might cause serious mental conditions. It can lead to depression. You need to vent your feelings, which might be anger, sadness, or disappointment, frustration in one way or another.

      • If it’s your work life, talk to your co-workers or your partner and learn their opinion.
      • If it’s your relationship, reflect on yourself and communicate with your partner rather than overthinking yourself.

Then, you’ll feel light-headed and free of your pessimistic feelings. Research shows that venting your negative feelings can lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep, and lessen your pain or depression. Speak to someone who is supportive and optimistic.

3.Take a break:

Take some time to overcome your failure. Being hasty in your decisions will lead to more mistakes. The activities that might be helpful are:

      • Painting something
      • Take some time to treat yourself
      • Listening to music
      • Going for a long drive
      • Trying something new, like a food item
      • Going for a walk
      • Learning something new
      • Creating a new hobby

After that, remind yourself why you failed in the past while taking the next step so that you do not repeat your mistakes.

4.Be Realistic:

It means they know what they want, know how to get it, and know how to keep it. Set your goals at a moderate level. You may think, “I grew up hearing that people need to be ambitious; only then will they achieve their goals, and what is this nonsense?” But believe me, being ambitious is good, but overly ambitiousness is not realistic.


If your goal is to set up a new company, first you need to know how to run a company, and that should be your goal instead of blindly setting up a company. Then, the possibility of facing failure would decrease by a margin.


5. Analyze the pattern of your ideas:

Thoughts are the things that decide your future. It is a powerful tool that can affect your life. It is crucial to analyze your thoughts. Sometimes your thoughts might be the root cause of your failure. When you face a failure, tackle it positively instead of thinking Why does it happen to you all the time, and Why are you the only to face so many problems? If your thoughts are positive, you are likely to enjoy positive results. If your thoughts are negative, you are likely to obtain unwanted results. Remember, everything happens for a reason.
Change your negative thoughts into positive ones. For example, believe that every problem is a passing cloud in your life; likewise, every failure is neither permanent nor temporary. When you analyze your thought pattern, you can find a way to reshape your negative thoughts and take positive thoughts as your strength. In conclusion, think positively and make a considerate effort to identify the opportunities instead of the problems.

6. Change your approach and never give up:

Change your approach when you’re facing failure instead of giving up. Failure is an unpleasant thing. Failure isn’t something we can accept beautifully. It tempts people to give up half way, and everyone feels like that; no one is an exception. Try this to motivate yourself to never give up:
• Find the value in the thing you want to achieve.
• Find a mentor to lend a helping hand to you when you are facing problems.
• Always think about why you’re doing this.
After finding out the reason why you are failing, alter your approach. Rectify your mistakes. Changing your goals isn’t the solution to achieving success. Never giving up easily while facing constant failure is a success.

7. Create a plan and Be Passionate:

Taking your past mistakes into consideration, create a plan with your new set goals, new ideas, and a different approach. Work with passion towards your goal. You can include the ideology you have learned from your mentor. Here are some things that should be followed to prevent failure again:

      • Make a schedule and stick to it consistently so that you’ll strictly follow the plan.
      • Learn from the past. Don’t repeat your mistakes twice.
      •  Set deadlines or time limits for specific goals, as it can make you productive.
      • Discuss with friends, as they can give their advice from their point of view. Sometimes, the person who is not involved will see things more clearly than the person who is involved.
      • Take some time to check your progress as you implement the plan so that you’ll have an idea of how far you are from achieving your goals and can rectify your mistakes, if any.
      • Be accountable and take responsibility for your actions.


Overcoming failure is not an unachievable feat. You just need to find the right way to correct your mistakes and work with passion towards your goal. Only when we stop moving forward is it considered a failure.


How do I recover from failure?

Stop complaining and forgive yourself for things that are out of your control. Take pride in the efforts you put in.

How do successful people overcome failure?

They accept their failure and embrace their mistakes. They move forward to achieve their goals. So that’s why they are successful.

Why does failure hurt so much?

Failing causes you to feel uncomfortable emotions, such as disappointment, embarrassment, sadness, anger, and awkwardness. The brain considers such emotions a threat to us, so that causes us to feel distressed.

Why do I cry after failure?

When you cannot meet your expectations, you’ll feel emotions such as low self-esteem, shame, and embarrassment. That causes tears in your eyes.

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